Hypnosis Training
How it started
For many years, doctors, dentists, hypnotists and therapists have studied the strategies, theories and techniques of Dave Elman, a man who told the world about the medical uses of Hypnosis in the 1940s, 50s and 60s. Since then, thousands of of students have learned, copied and immolated his famous hypnotic induction - The Dave Elman Induction.
Why Hypnosis Training?
If you are going to learn how to hypnotize someone, it should be from one of the best instructors in the world. Dave Elman spent a large part of his life giving his students the opportunity to learn and use hypnosis in a way that was and still is considered groundbreaking.
“I've use the audio files again and again. The information contained in these audio sessions are incrediable.”
“I have hypnotized people/clients before, using a progressive method to gain hypnosis. The Dave Elman induction is faster, easier and helps me get a deeper state of hypnosis very quickly.”
“Wow, I can't believe I hadn't use the Elman method of hypnotizing people before. It practically guarantees you success from people who are willing to follow my instructions .”