Want to Listen and Learn Hypnosis from the very best?
As described in many texts and books on the subject, Hypnosis is one of the most powerful tools a Doctor, Dentist, Nurse, or trained Therapist can use in their practice. For years, Hypnotists throughout the world have studied, emulated and idolized Dave Elman for his educational work in teaching medical men and women about the art of gaining and using the “state” of hypnosis.
Each class session is filled with golden treasures of information which can assist any hypnotist in the perfection of their professional craft. For the first time, you can now read, follow along, and hear a first-hand account of Dave Elman’s lectures and those who participated in his classes, as he and his wife Pauline traveled throughout the country on his journey to educate medical professionals about Hypnosis.

Audio Sample

More than 32 hours of Audio
Enhanced Audio files from vinyl records

Quality Instruction
Dave Elman/Doctors/Dentists/Guests

Theories & Techniques
Years of teaching and training at your fingetips

A breakdown of his methods
The Elman Induction/ tips and techniques

Supreme Audio Quality
Digitally mastered for listening/learning

Delivered Digitally
Instant delivery to your email address

About the Products
Every attempt has been made to ensure the audio files and transcribed texts are as accurate as humanly possible. Some small portions of the texts are inaudible due to the age of the recordings/records. However, the context of Dave Elman’s thoughts and ideas within the available audios/texts are not diminished in any way.